Bakhita Kids Expands to Maryland

Thanks to the generosity of our trusted advisor, Nick Petrelli who serves as a Principal and Portfolio Manager at Maryland Capital Management, Bakhita Kids has expanded to Baltimore, Maryland. With a $5,000 donation from Nick and his company, the first shipment of items for children went out the following day (April 16, 2021).

With modern technology, donating and delivery is quick and people get help in REAL TIME!

If you're located in Maryland and want to give to your state, please donate here. All the funds go directly to organizations we vet. We already have a list of needs for Baltimore.

First Organization:

  • Baby boy clothing (sleepers and outfits), newborn or 0-3 months

  • Boy and girl Sleepers, tee shirts or onesies, newborn to 12 months

  • Diapers NB to size 5

  • Wipes

  • Toiletries (baby lotion, shampoo, diaper rash cream, etc.)

  • Infant car seats (gender neutral)

  • Pack 'n plays (gender neutral)

  • Pack ‘n play sheets

  • Baby bath towels

  • Crib sheets

  • Diaper bags (gender neutral)

  • Canned, powered formula

Second Organization:

  • Newborn onesies

  • Diapers (sizes NB, 5, 6, and 7) and pull-ups (sizes 3/4T and 4/boys and girls)

  • Immediate need is for girls 4/5T pull-ups and size 6 diapers, boys and girls

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, Maryland


Baby Shower in Lynchburg


Bakhita Kids Meets with Congressman Mooney